Sustainable technology is a growth industry, one that will continue to be an element of revenue generation across all kinds of markets. Despite the skepticism of some, this technology stands to improve both environmental and financial conditions for millions, revitalizing our transportation and infrastructure while reducing pollution. 

Green and sustainable technologies are expected to reach a value of $36.31 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual rate of 26.8%. With growth like this, the sales industry as a whole can benefit from propagating these technologies as they develop marketing campaigns that showcase the benefits and value of sustainability. 

Green technology trends in the sales industry will move business and environmental sustainability forward. By understanding and following these trends, businesses can better position themselves for future success.

Electric Vehicles

One burgeoning green technology is the electric vehicle, an innovation popularized by companies like Tesla. These vehicles are exploding in popularity as they in turn create jobs, save consumers in gas costs, and make for a world less polluted by carbon emissions from traditional gas-burning vehicles. 

In short, electric vehicles are helping more than harming the economy, and many car dealerships and manufacturers are pivoting their processes to meet the demand for these clean alternatives. On the sales front, electric vehicles require adaptive measures and infrastructural innovations to thrive. This means a greater range of new products for sales teams to market.

For example, electric cars need charging stations and other electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE) to function to the same standard we expect from gas vehicles. Currently, this equipment goes from anywhere between $350-$900, which could represent great commissions and sales opportunities.

As both equipment and the vehicles themselves become more economical, more sales teams will pick up on the desirability of this technology. In cases like the California governor ordering all cars sold by 2035 to be zero-emission, regulation will further push the shift towards green technology. Companies looking to not cut themselves out of huge consumer markets will have to integrate this tech to stay competitive.

Solar Power

The power of the sun to deliver usable energy and beneficial products is great. Luckily, solar devices are becoming increasingly economical, creating a new trend in the sales industry. 

Solar panels, for example, have gone dramatically down in price as more consumers and businesses become interested in the benefits these alternative energy sources can offer. In 1977 the cost of solar energy was about $77 for one watt of power, making it virtually infeasible. Now, that cost is only about $0.13 and set to get cheaper all the time. 

As solar energy continues to decrease in costs, its inclusion can be used as an incentive for all kinds of products. From homes to cars, solar charging can help a sale, since the result is cost savings for the consumer. Solar power is an investment, one sales teams should make a point of when dealing with these efficient products.

AI and Efficiency

Green technology in sales is not just limited to physical products, however. With all kinds of innovations on the market, energy efficiency can be better established through software and smart tools. Artificial intelligence is a key component of these innovations. Through AI processes like machine learning that drive computer learning based on data analytics, all kinds of business processes can be enhanced for cleaner, cheaper results.

Here are just a few of the ways tech like AI is driving efficiency across industries, shaking up trends in B2B and B2C sales:

  • Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is the network on which smart devices communicate data, and the power of these tools allow every level of a business to build more efficient processes. For sales teams, this means having access to data on how consumers interact with a product, its challenges, and failings. In manufacturing and supply chains, IoT can offer insights that cut down on carbon emissions and waste.
  • Predictive analytics. With greater access to huge amounts of data, analytical software has become all the rage in sales departments. By understanding the trends of consumers in the past, we can better understand what may occur in the future and how to better interact with consumers from a sales perspective. Predictive analytics allows these kinds of insights, which can provide all kinds of benefits for all kinds of businesses, including measures to cut costs through energy and waste reduction.
  • Streamlined productivity. Technology comes with productivity enhancements across the board. This can mean substantial reductions in emissions through better data on inventory management, as well as improved sales and customer potential through systems like customer relations management (CRM) software. CRM makes it possible for businesses to track all kinds of data, making it an essential aspect of many modern industries.

These technological innovations are impacting all kinds of industries, leading to more efficient use of energy and cleaner business practices overall. For sales, this means a push towards sustainability as a selling point across businesses and consumer bases of all varieties. 

Bottom Line

All kinds of green technology are making waves across the economy. In the mass shift in products, policies, and expectations caused by the coronavirus pandemic, sales professionals should be aware of the trends of the market and what consumers are looking for. Sustainable technology is just that.

In the sales industry, green tech is one growth market you can count on. For businesses looking to revitalize their strategies in the face of the pandemic economy, consider the benefits that green products and innovations can offer you. 

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